Sunday, April 23, 2006

Interesting choice of words

These were the "Words of the Day" that were on my Google Homepage today. I guess it's fitting, since today I can officially say that I am being appointed to a new church.

For the Conference year 2006-2007 I will be serving as an Associate Pastor at Trinity UMC in Huntsville of the new Northeast District.

I am leaving Weeden Heights UMC in Florence, which I have served for four years since graduating seminary.

I'm excited, Laura's excited, my family is excited (I hope the people of Trinity are excited) for this new opportunity. We're going to be going through a lot of changes over the next few months, but we feel that this is the right move and the right thing to do. The area is still growing and will be a wonderful place of opportunity for both Laura and I.

Leaving Weeden is bittersweet, especially when they are at such a crossroads in their life. But I hope and pray that I have planted enough seeds and nurtured enough gifts there so that they might experience life and vitality once again. The church will always hold a special place in my heart, not only as my first appointment, but the church I was serving when Laura and I got married. There have been ups and downs, but definitely a lot of learning.

Here's to being agog with excitement of where the itinerant ministry may lead, with the hope and trust that caveat is not needed.


David said...

Congrats on the new appointment, and give a shout when you make it to CA. I'll send you my phone by PM. But if you want to reach me by email dcampho at yahoo dot com works just fine.