Wednesday, November 01, 2006

"Form one thought, break it off..."

"Form one thought, break it off..."
Billy Pilgrim, 1994, "Try"

Those words keep going through my head as I make attempt after attempt to return once again to posting somewhat regularly.

In fact, I have quite a backlog of unfinished thoughts and ideas and whatnot saved as drafts that just linger and look at me like that stack of books that I'm going to one day read. There's been a few reasons for not posting, not that it matter to anyone but apparently David - for which I am very thankful though.

As far as posting regularly, time has been a big factor. I just don't have much of it, and when I do, I'm not thinking much about the blog. Tied to this, there is the fear that folks from the church would think that all I did was play on the Internet (though that's not the case). And finally, after taking some heat a while back for not clearly forming my thoughts on communion, I'm struggling with the very same demons that got me interested in starting the blog in the first place - trying to please everyone with what I do and say.

However, I don't think that it's wrong to want to be understood. I do want to be careful in what I say, and I would like to think that what I post has more substance than a few partial thoughts and no real focus. The problem is that I want to write too much and don't have the time to put everything down in one sitting.

It feels like I'll find a balance sometime soon though. After five months, I think I'm beginning to establish somewhat of a rhythm.

Until next time...


Peter said...

some of us just notice silently when you don't post. plus, pointing out that you haven't posted opens you up to asking me why I haven't (beyond cutting and pasting sermon manuscripts, which hardly counts)

David said...

I once started a page of blogthots to keep in my files, and then draw from as needed. Mostly, though, I use this space to clarify my thoughts, as questions aloud and keep some sort of progression in my development.