Saturday, August 27, 2005

I'm in it now...

So, here is the obligatory statement about how I have finally entered into the world of blogging because I am the only one who hasn't done it yet.

After doing CPE at UAB Hospital this Spring, I have adjusted my thougts about blogs. I still think that for the most part they are for either the self-obsessed or for people who have no one in their lives to share things with, but I can see a lot of benefit to them.

One of the things that got me rethinking blogs is that during CPE I was made aware that I am sometimes a "guarded" person - I don't reveal who I am very much. Well, I thought what could be better than starting to blog to get me to be more open about myself? So here it is, and here I am, with all of my naughty bits for the world to see. I doubt I'll update much, or that many people will read this, but in the long run, it may help me put off therapy in later years.



Peter said...

hooray for Matt. maybe we can have a north alabama minister blogging party or something.

Anonymous said...

think of it as a journal. there's something intriguing about being open and honest, yet maintaining a sense of anonymity.

blessings to you.

David said...

I took much the same road with my blog...have welcomed the community it fosters and found myself surprised when someone mentions something I wrote - to my face!
peace be with you,