Sunday, July 01, 2007

And then the rain

No more than a few hours after my previous post did we have some of the hardest rain we've had in some time. Initially, I was pretty happy that we were getting so much rain and I was inside, but soon we had to leave the restaurant and get groceries for the week.

Being the kind husband that I am, I offered to run to the car so that Laura wouldn't get so wet as we loaded groceries into the car. Somewhere along the way the clasp in my geek phone holster became unfixed and my phone went flying. It was literally a splash of explosion, pieces of my phone went everywhere and began to float down what were now small rapids in the Publix parking lot. I retrieved the phone and the battery, and even later on a return trip found my stylus, but my 1GB SD card with music, audiobooks, Bible software and other files are either in the drain or in someone else's phone or camera.

Here's how it looks now:

After my phone did a hard reset and I was able to restore most of my files from backup, the rest of the damage is seen above and includes: various buttons not working (the power button that locks the screen no longer works, the shortcut button for messaging is kaput), the volume slider controls the volume to how best it sees fit, and Windows Media Player starts up at random times.

Some would say that maybe I angered the phone spirits today by disparaging the iCult, others (including my wife) might say that this was just a way to get a new, flashier phone, still others would recognize me for the dork I am. However, I must say, though banged up as it is, I'm pretty surprised how well this thing held up. I thought for sure I would have been picking up more than two pieces.

Time to go shopping. I won't be standing in any lines though, that's not part of my iLife.


Amy said...

hmmm... maybe i should try that. i've been trying to get a new phone for a while now.