Sunday, July 01, 2007

News Flash

Bursting Thermometer Graphic

It's hot out there. I mean really hot.

I officiated my first outdoor wedding yesterday (only my second one to attend), and I completely soaked through everything I was wearing. The couple gave me a card before the wedding and only taped the envelope shut. By the time I took it out of my back pocket, it was completely sealed. Minutes after going outside, I thought I had steamed all of the starch out of my shirt with my robe holding in all of the extra heat. Later i found out after I cooled off that the sleeves decided to re-set and starch themselves into an attractive-looking mess.

I don't think that it's as hot as last summer, or summer about five years ago, but it's close. The lack of rain doesn't help much either. I think I'll be spending more time at the pool soon...


Peter said...

Luckily, no one's asked me to do an outdoor wedding. If they did, the sprinkler system that is my entire body would be going full blast.

I do have one 7 year old girl in the congregation who's scared of me now because she saw me after softball and is now convinced that I will sweat all over her if she comes close to me.

My coat and tie lasted about a song and a half in contemporary before I went with the short-sleeved no tie look. I just can't bring myself to wear the short sleeved shirt with the tie. I know I'm a nerd, but I'd like at least some people to be ignorant of that fact.